Monday, April 7, 2008

The Friendly Skies?

I took my kids back to Vegas yesterday...what an interesting trip!

Saying good-bye NEVER gets easy. Of course, I know it's hard on them and their mother as well.

Anyway...I tried a new airline this trip. Look, unless you're in firstclass, flying just sucks! Cramped up on those tiny seats, no room to do just plain sucks!

So, I went to pick them was in March...the day after and of Atlanta, GA's tornados. I flew out of Charlotee, NC. Well, at first ATL was having us "delay", then they said nobody is coming in...then we were allowed, but had to wait for them to clear traffic. Understandable, airlines don't have much control over the weather. I ended up missing a to Vegas however, but had to stay a night there. At least I got to my kids and was able to spend some time with them.

Well...yesterday when I took them back, the plane coming to pick us up in Charlotte and take us to ATL was DELAYED! Hysteria began to take over panic momentarily! Was this going to be yet another rendition of the pick up flight? Luckily, (for me...not other passengers), my delay in ATL was long enough, that when I got there, I hadn't missed my flight.

All in all, I'd say the experience was "okay". The staff's friendliness and knowledge was more than outstanding.

It did perturb me a bit when my bag was a mere 5 lbs over and I had to pay $25!! But...they have rules. Understood.

Great customer service as a whole, though.


I can't say the same for Nevada's "finest". I had a bit of delay before my departure in LasVegas. The airport is in at least two buildings. I did not know this initally. I walked down to baggage claim to go outside. I knew I needed to make my way to ticketing to obtain my boarding pass for my next flight. A policeman passed me leisurely walking by with a co-worker. I said, "Sir, do you know where ticketing is?" His mumbled a "No" of sorts and continued walking. Thinking maybe he didn't quite understand me. I said a little louder...."You don't know where ticketing is? You know...where you get tickets/ check in for flights?" Looking back at me a littled frustrated, yet with that young 'I'm a cop toughguy look' gave me a staredown while claiming yet again he did not know.

Now, if here is there policing the area, should he not know it? It was RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET!! I didn't know that, but a worker politely pointed over there to me and informed me of the correct location. It took him zero effort and about .09 seconds to deliver this message with the added bonus of a hand gesture that pointed me in the proper direction! Wow!

Ironically, a moment later, Mr. "Cop" passes. This time, I'm in the ticketing area. Oh, how bad I wanted to go over there, tap him on the shoulder and say..."Guess where we are?". I gave the benefit of the doubt upon his first response previously. Thinking, okay...he's not from here, or he really doesn't know. But...why didn't his partner know? Surely they wouldn't have two ignorant police working together! What if there was an emergent call at a location? They wouldn't know how to get there! However, later in TICKETING, I did notice their patches were embroided with 'The State of Nevada'. Being that's where I was...I know this, because as soon as we got to the gate the flight attendant welcomed me there, I figured he WAS infact working at the airport. It was nearly after midnight...and although nice, the LV airport doesn't seem like a place to just go for a walk. He didn't look too much like the walking type either. His Lt. Dangle mustache (thankfully, minus the shorts) and homemade tattoo (which showed up well through his rolled up uniform sleeves) along with A+ attitude, wow, that speaks a lot for Nevada's finest. Officer Tweedledum didn't even have the audacity to respond or look my way. (That's the other guy with him). Had I not been in a hurry or thought that this prickficer, uh...police officer would make up some BULL and lock me up...I'd of surely made a statement and told him what I thought. Or, at least have called him out on his prickness.

Say what you will. I was a cop. I have been to the police academy several times. Different ones even! Nowhere do they teach assholeness. I promise. Much to the average citizen's surprise, it's not a requirement. I guess it's a learned behavior. Thankfully, I never learned it while working there. Sure, you meet your share of weird folk and just plain aggravating people, but why do you have to treat every person this way?

What urks me the most is this. At first he hardly acknowledged my question. Almost seemed ashamed to confidently answer me. Of course, had he said a plain 'NO' to where I could have heard it, I would have probably questioned his truthfulness.
Yet, if he'd of walked by and I would have so much as mumbled or even slightly implied some type of derogatory towards he or police in general, you can bet your badge he would've heard that loud and clear as well as responded. Probably violently.
I don't look for him to have a long career on the force. Those type seem to weed themselves out. It's just frustrating in the meantime.

So, if you see Mr. Dangle bagging your groceries next year (you'll know it's him because of the mustache, rolled up sleeves and homemade tattoo PROUDLY displayed, along with pretending to hear your request for paper bags...) tell him I found the ticketing area!!

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