Saturday, April 26, 2008

Go See It! Read it!

John Krakauer's "Into the Wild" that is...

I picked this book up in the airport on my last trip. I haven't read it yet, as I'm still reading his "Under the Banner of Heaven". But, liking what I had so far in the 3/4's of the book I was reading, I decided to get this other book of his.

While in the video store, I saw the movie "Into the Wild", based on Mr. Krakauer's book. The book and movie is also based on a true story.

The movie is over 2 hours long. But, it is phenomenal. Great lesson, story, emotion and music!

I'm confident I could read the book faster, lol. It'll be a book you don't want to put down. This has been part of the reason for me not yet finishing the other book. I get reading and don't want to put it down. Knowing this, I hesitate to pick it back up realizing I will be occupied for quite some time of the day.

Read it, watch it...let me know if you liked it.

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