Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Catch up.

This week is catch up week. I have things to do every day to catch up on my list. Several clients to call back. Appointments to make and albums to design. I'm loving every second of it.

I am also finishing up a few books that I've been reading entirely too long!! I keep finding new things I want to read. My TV feels neglected.

I am going to mow my father's lawn tomorrow. Help Dad out, ya know? Got to. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for him. He is my guide, my friend, my dad. It's hard to realize he's getting up in age. Only in his 60's, but increasing in age and weakening in health, nonetheless. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's doing great aside from arthritis pain. Works everyday and will probably die working. I just hope that it comes many, many years from now. I have always been close to my dad and would hope that I would go before him. My Dad has lost one son in his lifetime; being a father now, I know I will stay with him until the end. He's always been a peculiar character. If he's passionate about something, a feeling or action, he will let it be known. Most of the time, however he's a let you fall on your butt type of person. He's taught me many life-lessons by allowing me to try it, fail then try it again. School of hard knocks. Always been there to pick me up though.

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