Thursday, June 19, 2008

Now, Do it Now!!

All our lives we are conditioned to wait. Wait for a check, wait for payday, wait for the right one to come along, wait on Santa Claus, for this for that. In adulthood we take that mentality further. We want to wait until we finish college, start a savings, buy the perfect house and so forth before we start a family.

We fool ourselves into thinking that if we just wait for that perfect time, all will be okay. But is it really? Those of you that did wait for that perfect time...was it that much better? Worth it? Hardly!

Most often when we wait the excitement is diminished and the thrill of what we waited for is no more. Most importantly we find along with that had we of acted when it was fresh in our minds, we probably would've done a little better with it.

That's the whole thing, you have to act fast otherwise you'll likely not act at all. I read that experts tell us to do our most difficult task of the day first thing in the morning.

What immediately comes to mind? Exercise! see where I'm going with this. How many times have you made excuses? Oh, I want to start drinking more water before I exercise. I need some workout clothes, I have a bad back (hmmm....wonder why?), I need to get on a better sleep schedule first, I blah blah blah.....

Start exercising now!

Okay, so today's the day. You're pumped up and ready to do it. You even spent half the night developing the techniques and moves you'll do to get fit. Alarm clock rings. Yeah, about that'll do it when you get off work. Get off work. Yeah, we understand, it was the roughest day ever, you're exhausted. Right after dinner. But you fell asleep on the couch....

....maybe tomorrow???

Yeah right! Get off your butt and do it NOW and do it first thing!!

Okay, enough about the exercising.

Is there anything you're sitting on the fence about? Perhaps you're considering hiring that certain photographer for your wedding. Well, more than just you and your fiance are getting married on that special date! With all vendors it's best to lock in early to avoid any price increases. And, as you may notice the price of everything is going up. The more it costs for your vendors to make or obtain, the more it will end up costing you. Lock in early to avoid this.

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