Friday, September 12, 2008

This is WHY!!

Many times we meeting new clients or doing consultations the one thing we do at PB&J photography that differentiates us from the competition is our exceptional service. We go TO the client. Typically upon a consultation we will meet at the client's home to answer any questions and talk with them to discuss their needs and concerns.

If it is a family portrait, often that is created in their home. We have a mobile studio that can be set up anywhere in just moments.

Time to view your portraits and make selections. We come back to your home for a showing party. This is always a fun and elaborate event. Many families will have a light meal or refreshments prepared and invite many guests to come and view with them.

How many times did that client leave their home?


People see the obvious benefit in this. Family portraits is NOT something one should sacrifice due to a dropping economy. Just because this or that isn't strong does NOT give one a reason to refuse to invest in their family. After all, what is the number one thing families go back and search for after a natural disaster? You guessed it! Family portraits. Obviously there is some value there that cannot be given a monetary value.

For instance, little children, when taken away from the home and their environment are often uncomfortable. Many, many times if you take your small children to a portrait studio one or both of the following do occur: A) You forget something important. Whether it is a change of clothes, formula, a toy/ doll for comfort, is forgotten. B) The child is terrified of the new surroundings, you are rushed to get through it and as a result your "portrait" becomes just a picture that was quickly "taken", not created and you are not happy! Makes for a bad day.

In the past few days the news has indicated those of us in the Southeast region, for reasons of a hurricane near some oil fields, will be expected to purchase gasoline at over $5/ gallon, possibly reaching $7/ gallon. How long will this last? We do not know. A lot will depend on the damage created and how long it takes to repair.

We cannot stop living. We must go on in our activities daily and attempt at all cost to function as normal. We cannot stop investing in our families. Gas will continue to rise, that much is inevitable. We are forced to deal with it and get accoustomed to it. Does that mean sacrificing our pride and love for our family? Does it mean not creating a beautiful piece of art for you to treasure? Surely NOT!

Saving gas is just ONE of the reason people keep coming back to PB&J photography over and over again.

Try us once and you'll NEVER visit another photographer again in your life!

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