Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It won't be long....

Until the elections that is...

Like most of the Nation I have followed this election more closely than probably any in history or at least; my entire life. More voters have registered in staggering numbers this year. Since I became of age I was registered to vote and do so on most things. However, I did not follow the debates and candidates as closely as I have this year.

Watching the debates and divulging myself into the knowledge of both candidates I can truly say my opinions and projections as well as my vote has not changed since the beginning.

Upon Bush's second term for a re-elect, I predicted should he get in office the economy, job and housing markets would plummet. They did.

There are things with both candidates I disagree with and one I agree on nothing with. What sounds good in theory, in actuality will not work.

We have to generate a revenue. How can enabling tax cuts for everyone be a benefit? When faced with a record breaking deficit we will only dig ourselves further.

The 2nd debate, which aired this evening, was quite a hoot. McCain likes to badger and talk down his opponent. I'm not sure whom he is attempting to convince, because a look into any public record will surely point out the lies. It was almost insulting when McCain assumed many of us have not heard of Fannie Mae or Freddi Mac until this recent economical plummet. Who is he kidding? The majority of citizens have heard of these! McCain tried so hard to get under Obama's skin with his remarks and insults. It was a bit unfair Tom didn't allow him a defense to these accusations in most cases, but I am proud that he took a stand and let it be known where he stood against those accusations.

McCain has such a monotonous voice even when he tries to make a joke or an insult you aren't sure where he's coming from or what he's attempting to accomplish and gain. Not a trait beneficial in a leader of anything, most certainly our Country.

I know where I stand with the election. It will most likely be a close race. I predict no one will win with a landslide.

I encourage you to dig into the facts from both candidates. Put your parties aside and look at the person individually. Make certain you are a part of this election by casting you vote. I'm certain nobody can truly state they are ecstatic with the standings of our economy presently. So, make a stand...vote. I'm not telling you which candidate to vote for. Only you can make that decision. The right decision is to register and vote!

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