Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Bright!!!

So put on your darn sun spectacles and stop yer whinin'!

I would if I could find them!!

Where did you have them last?

If I knew that, don't you think I would go there and pick them up? And if they were where I thought they were last, I would not be claiming they were lost! I'd have them on me head, eh??

Not only is it hard for me to keep a pair of sunglasses around. It's equally as hard to find a pair that I like. They have to fit comfortably, be durable and last a while.

I have worn mostly Ray Bans and Costas. But, after losing about 3 pairs of those in the past few years, your pocketbook begins to sweat whenever you search for another pair. There again, you'd hate to sacrifice comfort.

Well, for grins and turds I tried out this one company. Found them searching about for some free sunglasses. There used to be a company that advertised free sunglasses in SkyMall, but their shipping was about $25, so....yeah!!

Anyway, some way or another I came across this other company. Over the years I have ordered from them multiple times. Usually just to get a backup pair of sunglasses. Their comfort and quality have been outstanding, the affordability phenomenal.

The company:

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