Monday, January 5, 2009

Customer Care

This seems to be at the forefront of many businesses these days, within this economy. And, rightly so.

Often businesses will offer a promotion or let you try a product or service for little to no charge, hoping to impress you and hook you as a lifelong client.

We photographers do similar tactics. Offer a great special or deal that gets our name in front of you and hope we impress you enough that you'll not only tell others, but keep returning for more.

Several months ago, I attended an educational workshop for photography. Continuous education is something that is a must for our company.

Anyway, at this seminar a lab was offering a free product for photographers to try. I'd heard this lab was decent, yet never had a reason to try them. I said, okay, let me obtain this free product and compare quality. I am always looking to obtain the highest quality for our clients. Well, I inquired about receiving the free trial product and never got an answer. So, a few months later, I asked again. I was told the offer had expired, but I could still take advantage. Fair enough. I did as was instructed and sent over some pieces to be printed. Well, several weeks passed and I had yet to obtain the product. I again inquire about this. I am told that I'm not on the priority list and I will have to wait until after the first of the year. There are 11 months after the first of the year. Which year specifically were we referring to?

Okay, so you want me to be a customer, yet because this was a free offer I'm not on the priority list? That's kind of backwards wouldn't you say? I mean, you want me to become a client, yet you can't send me what you promised me in a timely fashion? Two months is a little absurd to say the least.

Well, I hope the product does come in. I'm starting to lose hope, but we'll see. I shouldn't have to keep asking the whereabouts of what is rightfully mine. And, you can pretty much bet I will not become a client of theirs.

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