Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ready for a Change?

If you're ready for a change in your life the only way to make that happen is to make change!

Perhaps, you've toyed around with the idea of quitting smoking. What's stopping you? Many of you that know me know I have certain reservations on chemicals in the body, etc. that is why I have worked diligently to put together this system for you:

It's less than a carton of cigarettes and will probably be the best $15 bucks ever spent! I know, you think that because it is so inexpensive it probably won't work. Well, if it doesn't work for you, you didn't want it to. If you'd like you can send an additional $250 and I'll send you the "deluxe" kit so that it just has to work for you! After all, you've spent $265 on it, it has to work!

Change is funny. Let me explain...

I photographed a conference/ dinner a while back for a prestigous insurance company. One of the speakers said something that really stuck with me. "If you could do one thing and know that fear wasn't and issue, what would that be?"

Why do we fear change? Fear itself. We fear no necessarily the change, but what the change may bring. How many of you have thought about investments? What prompted that inital thought? Change! Changing your financial status. What stopped you? Fear! Fear of losing your investment, getting scammed, the economy sloping, your ice cream melting. You name it, there is a fear of it and for it. Fear is what prevents change.

Sure, the simple fix is for me to tell you to have no fear. What does that entail though? What's the difference between fear and common sense? Where's the line that distinguish risks and stupidity? For one a risk may be a stupid endeavor, for another the chance of a lifetime. Does it always pay off? Well, if it did there'd be no reason for fear, now would it? I mean if everyone that invested $4000 into a stock had it multiply ten-fold by morning, our stock market would be pretty much worthless, as well as our dollar.

Does that mean it can't happen though? I look at it like this....SOMEONE WILL WIN the lottery, the sweepstakes, the drawing, etc. Why not let it be YOU? You can't expect to win if you don't play the game, however.

Should you go out and invest your entire life savings on a new company's stock? I wouldn't. But, there have been people that have done it and been truly successful. But, there are those that have not been successful as much either.

Let's take this one step closer to home. Not everyone invests. Some just plainly have no interest in it. Whatever the case may be, perhaps you're toying with the idea of starting your own business. What if, A-Z?

Well, play devil's advocate on yourself....what if you never take the time to take the plunge and get out there? You will never know! You're going to hit obstacles in the road. Haven't you in your own life already? You're still around and doing fine! Unless you're just plain ignorant, I'm confident you've learned dearly from those previous obstacles too!

Nobody will do it for you. Change starts with you. So, if you're tired of making change....make a change.

When I first started my business I had hit the wall of negativity. You can't do that, you need retirement, you need steady income. What if blah, blah, blah.... My family and friends meant well. The majority of them are well to do. Meaning they aren't hurting for anything, but they don't have yachts either. But...they are "working for the man". The last job I worked, we would put in long hours. For what?! I kept asking myself. Sure we are making overtime, but at the end of the day, we are only making our boss more money. If we weren't he wouldn't allow us to go out and work longer hours! Just think, if that company can afford to pay you on average $22/ hr. what do you think they're making for themselves?

Is working for yourself for everyone? Absolutely NOT! Back to my friends/ family of discouragement....Their beleif system is you go to college, get a degree, let it collect dust, sit in a cubicle, work 9-5, come home, do it all over again. Put money into a retirement fund and hope for the best.

Personally, I hate working JOBS. (Just Over Broke). Being gone all day away from the ones you love while you slave away for another person is emotionally draining! You come home and you have a mere few hours to spend with these loved ones and do what you want. Does your life belong to you? Pfft...I think not! Oh, but you have the weekend....

Hey, if that works for you, great! I'm not here to convert anyone to my personal beleifs. I still haven't conviced my family, regardless of how successful I've become. They still shake their heads and anticipate the plummet. Oh well. They don't get to ride on the yacht either.

However, if you do agree with what I'm saying one piece of advice...DON'T go it alone! Get tutors! Get mentors! Get reading! Get Studying. Get your grubby little hands on anything you can that will provide help. A lot you can take with a grain of salt. Apply what makes sense.

Want to take a risk today? Contact and for $47.98 I will put you in business for yourself distributing your own stop smoking product. No chemicals, no drugs!

Nope, not MLM either. Sell none, sell 17 billion, what you paid me today is what I will keep.

What do you mean? Well, I'm going to provide you with the resell rights and names of suppliers for the products. You can find your own suppliers too. You can add to or take away from the package, just not individual content.

And if you act within the first 15 minutes you'll also get our Weight Loss product! Ask about our FREE rush delivery. (I love infomercials.)

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