Monday, May 26, 2008

Reviews Reviews Reviews

As many of you know, I'm a sucker for As Seen on TV products. I'm happy now that many stores carry these can't live without gadgets.

My cousin had told me about PedEgg. As did my g/f. I decided to get one and try it, after all these two ladies had raved about it. My feet had callouses in spots on my heel. Disgusting I know. Probably from wearing sneakers. I hate wearing sneakers. Would much rather wear work boots or dress shoes. To me, they're much more comfortable. But, my favorite is my Crocs.

So, anyway, I got one and tried it out. Really worked great. Took care of all the problems and left me with smooth feet. The only thing I would say is afterward a good moisturizing lotion would probably help a lot. I didn't do that.

Infinity Razor. I had read maybe two good things about this razor it seems. After all, think about it...a razor that lasts...a lifetime? I normally use an electric most of the times, but like to start my week off with a razor blade shave. It lasts longer. I resharpen my electric shaver blades, but have to replace often the standard razor blades. Expensive and bad for the environment. Despite negative reviews, I decided to for over the less than ten bucks and buy the infinity razor. Tried it out for the first time tonight. Afterall, a Mach 78998 or whatever the latest hi-tech razor is costs about $10, so I had nothing to lose.

I normally shave in the shower where the steam softens my skin and beard. I have coarse hairs. But, for sake of wanting to play with the new toy, I shaved the typical the sink. Well, I wasn't in the sink. That'd be a big sink. I was once, when I was a baby. But, not tonight.

I really liked how the razor glided across my beard. It seemed to have left my skin smoother infact; moreso than the typical latest and greatest that I have used.

But, the test will many shaves will I get from it?

Still a little skeptical. There's a replacement warranty card if the blades go dull. Why? It lasts forever. Well, I suppose there is an end to forever.? My exwife said she'd be around forever. So, yes, forever does end. But when? If I get 20-30 shaves from this razor's one blade, that's so worth then $10 paid for it. And, whereas with the best blades on the consumer market I only get roughly 3-4 shaves, getting much more would be that much less waste and expense.

I'll keep you posted. It may take a while....hopefully.

Dryer balls.

I've used these before and got a new larger set the other day. Bottom line...they work.

Think of all you spend with fabric softeners, dryer sheets and running the dryer during a year.

I prefer line drying, but some things or depending on weather, I use my dryer. If not for the full drying time, part of it. The balls work. And, they work well.

In addition to thinking of all you spend on the above products, think of the amount of trash you create and the chemicals you are exposing your family to. Disgusting ain't it.

We here at PB&J make green decisions daily. Isn't it time you do too?

1 comment:

screeeeeeename said...

So far I've bought bags from Walmart's and Bi-lo in my effort to save a tree or two - Walgreen's is next. I make other daily green decisions, but this is the one most likely to inspire an eco-friendly discussion w/ strangers : )