Thursday, July 24, 2008


Well, all I can say is that I'm ecstatic. I'm bouncing off the walls here! My kids will be here to visit August 7th!! YOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news, we are expecting a child. Due Jan. 20th. And....IT'S A BOY!!!

When I was in college I wondered about my last name within my family dying out. My father was an only boy, he had two sons, one passed away. Leaving me. Don't that keeping the family name is much of an issue now.

You always hear about things skipping generations. It's been joked about that I only make boys. My grandparents on my father's side had 10 boys! Think that's a slew of youngens, they had 15 all together.

1 comment:

screeeeeeename said...

Congratulations on the new little pb & j in the making : )