Monday, August 25, 2008

Until Next Time

It's never fun or easy to tell my kids goodbye. For those that don't know, they live across the country in Nevada. I am on the Eastcoast. Plans are in the works to bridge the gap, but until then....

I cherish each moment I have with them. I make it a point to call and talk to them each and every day. Today was their first day of school for this year and excited they were.

Before they left I had them model for me as I ran some more tests on the Presslite. They were excellent models. They've been doing this since birth! I used the presslite with a single panel and as my only light source. Most were done with a 60/40 or 98/2 ratio. There are some I did that had a mirror bounce on them. To recall which was which, I don't know. Overall I am impressed with the product. I urge you to take a look at the website and preorder one today!!

Boys, daddy misses you very much! You both make me so proud. I mean that too.

These boys astonish me everyday. They are very well behaved, infact I get complimented all the time on how well they conduct themselves. Their creativity level is overwhelming. The ideas and dreams they have, it's incredible.

It has always baffled me to hear people complain or sigh about being around their kids. Maybe I'm just different. I've lost many people close and dear to me in my lifetime, perhaps that

has molded me into the appreciation I have for tender moments. Take some time to smile. Don't sweat the aggravating small stuff.

I love the shadow of Ricky's hand (pic on rt). The picture is not sharp focus, but the expression is what made me post it. Granted these are not how one would typically light for a studio portrait, what with the harsh shadows and such. Unless you were creatively going for that effect. I didn't start off that way, but really liked the creativity the gives, even with just one panel, thus allowing you to do things with a flash otherwise inconceiveable and at a fraction of the time.

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