Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Everyone knows how I love recommendations of products and services. My business thrives on the recommendations of others.

My good friend of MANY years told me about this product. The type of product should be found at a natural food store.

Over the weekend, I went to the Vitamin Shoppe on Harbison Blvd in Irmo, SC. I walked in the door and saw two employees at the counter. Thankful they didn't bombard me when I first cracked open the door and follow me around like a suspected theif, I proceeded to look around. I walked around the store back and forth across where they were standing aimlessly for about ten minutes. Never a word. I had nothing in hand, so it became apparent to any onlooker I was still on the hunt. I mean 10 minutes is a little to long without any type of greeting at all. Instead, they stay nestled in their world at the register as I hoplessly search. Nearing exhaustion after several more laps around the estate, I plopped tirelessly at the counter. Catching my breath vaguely, in short asthmatic-like spurts, I uttered my request. It was followed up with a short, "No", when I asked if they carried product X. I came to the realization these employees are docked pay for every word spoken to customers, or potential for that matter...

Finally, Dracula awakens from the rest in his cozy coffin and all but hustles his way over the the section that would house product X and the like. In half-sprint motion to leave, Dracula looked like a dog on a chain, with each question bringing a halt to his would be lunge away from me and this area. I showered that day and am not a leper. It became quite a fun game. I would read a label and look up to see his back turned walking away as he had to put all his effort into turning around to help me and answer a question. I mean, I felt rather bad, I asked him about 3 questions. (That's a lot of words and pay that will be docked)! As I said, it turns out they didn't have it. I left more confused about life in general as well as the reason I even walked in the door.

Walking out the door there was a table of free samples. The product of the day was Tom's of Maine toothpaste, Spearmint flavor. Needing to stock up on toothpaste, I took all 64 trial sized tubes and went on my way. I actually only took one. I had seen this product before and been wanting to try it. So, why not? It's there. Plus, if I liked it, it came with an entire 100 pennies off my purchase. Can't beat that with a bat. I was a little reluctant, as I have tried natural toothpaste in the past that tasted as if I opened the salt shaker and poured it directly into my mouth. There was even salt like grit in my mouth when using the other product. Putting the hesitations aside, I put some on the singing toothbrush and went to work. Amazing taste! My mouth felt incredibly fresh with no bitter aftertaste like many toothpastes do.

The front of the tube says natural whole care. The back or the box or somewhere it says something about cleaning teeth the natural way. I'm not sure what the natural way means. I mean, wild animals or carnivores typically keep their teeth cleaned with bones. Is this a tube of bones?

Reading further I see it also contains MANY chemicals; flouride, xylitol, as well as some other words that have more letters than 16 alphabets. More like near natural. The only "natural" product I could find were spearmint and peppermint oils. It does contain silica for whitening. Isn't that what makes glass or something like that? A type of sand? Well, it does NOT contain saccharin (too bad for those worried about gaining weight with their toothpaste), preservatives, colors or flavors. No flavors? What about the spearmint and peppermint oils? No animal ingredient either. I was concerned about the animal ingredients in proportion to the fat content it may contain as well as the sugars???!!!! Huh? Toothpaste needs to start putting nutrition labels on the packages apparently.

Also, I find they use NO animal testing. Their lab has many rats and guinea pigs eating away at saccharin tablets from competitors' toothpastes with rotting teeth.

I don't know.

What does it take in order to put NATURAL on a label? The one natural thing it says it has, the next line says it doesn't. Spearmint & peppermint oils, next line NO FLAVORS. I'm lost here.

So, read the ingredients. Know what you're getting. It is a good product and I'll use my 100 pennies coupon. At least it's not nearly as bad as some of the others out there. It tastes good too. Must be the lack of flavors toothpastes have needed all along. My tube and coupon were packaged in this really abusively loud cellophane type plastic that rattled worse than an 80's trapped hatchback filled with scrap speakers. Stamped on there was something about speedy biodegradability, so that's pretty cool. Environmentally friendly packaging. I do like that.

I think I'll do some animal testing of my own and use this to brush my dog's teeth. They use a chicken flavored toothpaste right now. It works well, but makes me feel like I need to brush again as if I've just eaten a plate of chicken. I'll see if they like this one too.

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