Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Banned Words

The news had a list of banned words for the upcoming year. It consisted of;

- Green
- Carbon Footprint
- Maverick
- First Dude

This was a complilation of overused words/ phrases from this year. I think they may have missed a few!

- Fellow Americans
- The American People (Can't we just say "us" or "Americans"?)
- Erectile Dysfunction/ ED
- Joe the plumber
- The first ________ president. (They're just people that are running for president, who cares what color their skin is or what is in their pants? Really! Get over it.)
- GM
- The Big 3
-Which value meal can I get for you today?
(Okay, a few things wrong here. There's more to life and your menu than a value meal, okay? Secondly, you're not going to get it, you only take my order and collect my money. The person at the next window actually gives it to me and someone else brought it to her. So, don't ask me which meal you can get for me when you know darn good and well you aren't going to leave that register by that window to get squat more than a break.)

- Economy (my gosh, we're seperating good businesses from bad. People spent too foolishly anyway before this. It's not an economic downturn as much as it is a wake up call! Start saving more, stop spending on stupid crap. Manufacturers, make a product that will last more than 6 months! )

- The price of gas. (A few months ago that's all I heard. People couldn't wipe their own ass because gas was too high. You name the problem, the cause was due to the increasing price of fuel. )

- First time in years/ first time since (all the retailers, first time in years sales have been this low, first time gas hit x per barrel. Do you still have a roof over your head and running, clean water? Or, are you living in a dirt floor shack in some village in a third world country. Things may be a tiny bit harder to obtain, heaven forbid "the American people" get off their lazy butts and work for it.)

And lastly, I don't know what I'm going to do this Christmas....

Our company received several emails from families needing help for Christmas. First of all, really, have we corrupted our kids into thinking Christmas is all about getting gifts? Who really cares if they didn't get anything? What did they give? Did they donate their time to the local mission? Help you with the house chores? Wake up! Now, for those that send emails needing Christmas help. Your husband lost his job, the kid needs braces, the dog needs surgery and you've just been diagnosed with something that you need to spend $200 a month on medication for. You have the nerve to email me and ask me for help? I was say probably .07% of people have what we call dial up for an internet connection these days. So, you have either DSL or Cable which averages $40/ month. That's $480/ year you spend on internet. What kind of Christmas could you give your children for that? Oh, and your satellite dish and cell phones. Don't hand me that cock and bull story you need a relief and that's why you have satellite. You don't work, what you need is to save money and stop wanting a hand out! Cell phone...let me guess, incase you get stranded. In what, your brand new car? You can't afford gas to go anywhere, remember? So, how can you get stranded in your driveway?
Why don't people know the power of sacrifice anymore? It's give me this, give me that, NEVER what can I do for you? Cut corners and sacrifice things to get what you want in life. If you truly want to give your kids a good Christmas, turn off the cell phones, internet and extra ammenities, stop buying a case of beer each day. When you do that, if you need help, I'll give you all the help I can. If you're too good to lower your standards a little bit to share the joy and meaning of Christmas and you have taught your kids such vanity as it's all about gifts, move onto the next fool. I'm not the one.

Yes, I said it! Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. I don't give a rat's fart what your religon is or if you even have a religon. Christmas is a Christian holiday. If you don't believe in Christ, why celebrate it? Yes, it is the Holiday season, meaning there are a couple of religous holidays and new years in there. On Christmas day, it's Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays! I mean, for the Jewish people, I would tell them Happy Hannakuh or Chanukah (whatever that is, I need to educate myself, sorry for the ignorance on that.) If I knew people that celebrated Kwanza, I'd tell them Happy Kwanza or whatever it is called. I really don't know, if you do, please share the wealth of education so I'm not ignorant to the proper titles of these religous holidays. But, I think you see my point. Those groups that celebrate these holidays are in no way offensive to me. I respect their religon and holiday celebration. If I were to talk to them near or on that holiday, I would gladly say, Happy/ Merry/ X. Why can't a handful of PC idiotic morons do the same for the Christian community? Why is it this holiday is so darn offensive? If you don't believe in it, don't celebrate it! Simple as that. And shut up about it!

Look pea brain, Christmas started as a religous holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ. If you want a holiday to celebrate vanity and providing your kids with lavish gifts they won't appreciate to further enhance their lack of knowledge in earning the value of a dollar, go ahead. Make a new holiday. Non-religous, secular holiday in which you can do that. Christmas is already taken. Has been for many, many years. I'm sure the retailers would love the fact that there's yet another holiday in which people will crowd their locations with open purses. You wouldn't have to worry about being offended if somone made reference to a religous holiday anymore.

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