Friday, December 26, 2008

'Tis been a while

Since I've written here that is.

I want to thank all the clients that made this the best Winter season ever. It was great working with all of you and making new friends. I hope you all had a tremendous Holiday with your loved ones.

So, I was thinking...why are we as humans so oblivious? Quite often we'll hope and pray for something that we want for our lives, ourselves, our family. We employ the power of prayer, hope, positive thought and understanding and know without a doubt in our mind it will be delivered to us. Yet, when it's right there under our nose we don't accept it. We say it can't be what we asked for, it's the wrong shade of blue, it's this it's that...we can't accept that it is really our answered prayers.

For instance, a man's car is nearing its life end. He prays for a new car. A new one didn't fall out of the sky so he begins to question it. Mind you, the guy's performance at his job got him a promotion where he makes more money, additionally he has been getting a load of overtime lately. Does he see that as a means to get what he prayed for? (A car). No! He gets mad and frustrated. Now, I have to work all these long hours, should've never taken that promotion, I have all this time away from my family, they're stressing me out and getting upset because I'm not home much lately, I have all this added responsibility at work and to top it all car is going to fall apart any day now!

It reminds me of the story of the man in the flood. The water rose and the man stood on his rooftop. A boater came by and said, "Get in!". The man replied, "No, my God will deliver me. I have faith." The water got higher and the man went to a higher part of the roof, another boater came by and said, "Get in, you're going to drown! Let me take you to safety." "Nope, I know my God will deliver me. I will not drown." The water gets even higher, the man is standing on the tip of the chimney, water is coming up around his knees. A helicopter flies over and yells down, "Grab onto the rope, we'll take you to safety." The man ignores the request and again replies, "My God will save me!" Moments later the man drowns. He finds himself standing before God and asks him, "God, I have always been a firm believer in you and kept my faith strong, why did you not deliver me from that tragic flood?". God looks down at the man and says, "You idiot, I sent you two boats and a helicopter."

The moral of the story is don't let an answered prayer escape you simply because you don't like something about its packaging or delivery. If you look hard enough you can find fault in anything and talk yourself out of a really good thing. Whether it's a promotion at work, a move, a companion, anything.

I look forward to the comments and hellos from everyone that follows this blog. Wishing you all a Happy New Year and a wonderful day!

- Your Photographer

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