Thursday, January 15, 2009

Congrats and Yippee!

People have told me congrats all of you...THANK YOU! I say yippee and they say congrats, because my third son, Anderson Turner Boone was born today at 5:27 PM. 8lbs 1 oz and 21" long.

Pictures to come tomorrow.

I want to say congrats to the Pilot that safely landed the US Airways plane into the Hudson River this afternoon bringing all those people in safely. The response of those involved was incredible. It was pretty intense how quickly it happened. In the air in 3 minutes. Good job for the Air Traffic Controller that saw it happened and summoned emergency response teams. Everyone was calm for the most part and they were thanking the pilot. Thankfully they were close to water and could make the landing safely as they did. Very smart and quick thinking on everyone's part.

So glad that would could've been a mass tragedy turned out not to be.

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