Saturday, January 10, 2009


I had some errands to run today.

I was hungry so I stopped and got something to eat. There's a Mexican restaurant over near where I was. Del Sol.

I have been wanting to go there for a while. It was called something else before; then closed, then reopened as this, Del Sol.

I pulled in and there was only one truck in the parking lot. I thought to myself...don't knock it to you try it, so I shrugged and walked in.

I walked in and there were three people there. Guess one guy rode in the back of the truck. I asked if they were open and they said no. Then said I could sit where I wanted and proceeded to take my order.

Sitting there nervously eating some chips and salsa, which were good, but WAY too mild, two more people walked in. I began to relax a little. I started looking at the menu. I went to order a margarita and was told they don't have any. Hmm....they're on the menu, but they don't have any.

The menu was laid out well, but the prices were quite high. Additionally the explanations of the foods were quite vague. I think they were trying for more of a high end type of menu/ food. Yet, they didn't have any mole sauce. That kind of upset me. I was looking forward to that. Well, I didn't know what was hot (spicy) or what was not.

I ordered something simple. Burrito California. The guy taking my order was quite pleasant. Kept on top of refills of my stale tea! And, he let me choose any of the 5 tables I wanted to sit at too. Then he walked seven feet from behind the counter over to my table to take my order.

As I said, there was a decently laid out menu. I read the description of the California Burrito. "Large burrito with choice of steak, shredded chicken or marinated pork". I chose the pork.

A few minutes later the waiter? came back and told me this was a large burrito. 12-14" long. I said, okay. Then a few minutes later he came back again to ask me if I wanted the contents inside the burrito. Ummm...sure. Sounds like a plan to me.

Waiting I hear stuff being rattled around the kitchen, sounding much like meat being spread around a grill and being cooked.

Here comes the food. It was large. Just like I had read it would be and like the waiter? had come back to remind me it was. It was covered in cheese? sauce or ceiling paint, whichever.

I was already pretty full with the chips and salsa, but was anxious to try this. I take a bite and get what seemed like a sweet pepper. Something of a pickled taste. I had a bite of rice, then meat, then something else? then an onion with the same pickled taste. Pickles and ceiling paint don't go too well. There was NO spice to this at all. Not that there was anything to indicate it would be. The waiter? didn't come back and tell me it was going to be spicy, nor did the menu state such. So, I guess I didn't need to expect it would be.

I put some of the tomato sauce...err..salsa on top of it. Pickles with ceiling paint and tomato sauce don't go well either. I was going to ask for some hot sauce, but the waiter? left the area. I suppose he was in the back measuring tortillas, preparing for his next customer.

Well, I can't say the dish was bad at this point, but it's not something I'd order again. I like spicy and bold flavored dishes. This wasn't one of them. Very cheesy and bland.

A few more bites and I taste the marinated pork. I'm not sure what it was marinated with, but it wasn't very good. Apparently one piece of pork has to last for multiple meals as the pieces were extremely small, thin and sparse. It was so sparingly used in the burrito that pieces of what I thought was pork was infact a piece of fat disguised as pork. Actually, the pieces of fat were the biggest pieces of "meat" contained in the burrito.

With nearly 1/4 of this 12-14" burrito (with the contents inside it) gone, I had to call it quits. I couldn't afford to constipate myself for a month with all the ceiling paint. I asked for a to go box and was promptly brought one by the waiter?.

I started to put the burrito into the container. As I did the paint had started to dry and was sticking to the plate. The burrito fell apart. The contents were no longer inside of it. I thought the waiter? might get mad, what with his special trip he made to ask me if I had wanted it this way. But, I hurridly placed it back together and into the box.

I paid for the overpriced food and yes, I did leave him a respectful tip. He did quite well in his attempts.

I made it home and treated my dogs to a ceiling paint, pickle and fat burrito. (With the marjority of the contents inside.)

They seemed happy enough with it, yet I didn't hear them begging for me to bring them more.

Sadly, there really isn't many or rather any good Mexican restaurants in this area.

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