Friday, January 9, 2009

My opinions and beliefs and morals

Or something like that.

I chat a lot with my clients, we go to lunches, dinners, etc. We get on the subject of food preperation and it always seems I give off a weird look to them.

Yes, I hate waste. I'm not an extreme environmentalist by any means, but I do try to be cautious. I do not like ordering from places that you sit down to eat and they provide you with disposable items. Here in the South we have a slew of barbeque restaurants (BBQ). They always seem to have paper/ styrofoam plates and dishes along with plastic utensils. This urks me! Why? I don't know. I think of the landfills and oceans and every place else these items will find a resting place. I think of the resources that are diminshed to create and dispose of these places.

Take paper plates. We had to use fuel to cut down the trees, cut the trees down and take over the animals' homes to get those. Endandering yet more animals and plant species. We then have to use harsh chemicals and fuels to refine and produce something you eat off of. Then, same thing with that plastic bag you put it in. You tie it up and place it by the curb. The trash track uses yet more toxic fuels and pollutes the air that much more to come and get that bag of trash. It is then placed into a landfill and pushed around by large tractors and dozers for years. Never breaks down or disinegrates, only gets pushed around and further buried. Think of the pollutants those tractors in the landfill produce to move around this bag of trash.

Now, consider the average person eats 3 meals per day. Mulitply that by how many people there are in our state, town, country, world.

That's a lot! No matter how you slice it.

Did you realize the average trash truck dumps at the landfill on average 5 times per day? Guess what? They go out every day of the week too! So, per truck you're looking at over 30 loads dumped per week. That's per truck. How many trucks are at your local sanitation facility? You only see one, typically one day per week.

Did you realize it takes less energy to run a dishwasher than it does to wash that load by hand? So, then, if you can use less energy and it takes less work, why not take advantage and save yourself not only your living space (planet) but some back breaking work of washing dishes. Additionally, and here's yet another plus, you'll also be saving yourself money, along with the environment.

Many think that things will never change. That one person can't make a difference. If you boycott a fastfood chain that will make no difference, they'll keep serving in paper products, etc. What is Rosa Parks had that attitude? Her actions didn't change anything over night. Now think if she'd of had that mentality, that her actions wouldn't make a difference. Where would we be today in our society?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so, here's a link. I bought two sets of these about 2 years ago. I take the container and untensils everywhere. I might look like a douche bag when I bring it into a resturant for my left overs,but they can kiss my ass. I do get some strange looks, but it makes me feel good to know I'm helping a little. here's the web address.