Thursday, January 8, 2009

A holy question...

Many people will read this and think they have an immediate answer. Others will understand where I'm coming from, yet out of fear, fail to acknowledge they've too wondered about this. They say "faith" and dismiss any questioning. Or, "it's not four our understanding".

Why would you believe in something you don't understand? Would you invest your money into something you didn't understand? Put your life on the line for something you didn't understand? So, why do you with religon? Fear. Simply put. People too often take what some preacher says for the truth. Just because they said it and they have a position of "authority" doesn't make it worth while. More people have heard about the US President than your preacher(s), yet they have no problem doubting what he says.

One question/ concern that comes to mind primarily is the trinity. What is it? A three-fold godhead. Consisiting of the Father (God), the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit doesn't have a name, only a title. Where did Jesus get his last name from?

Okay, so let's start....

Old Testament speaks a little more loosely about the Holy Spirit, and almost in a different way. After Jesus' departure to Heaven, he speaks of leaving with them a comforter, a guide. Which is thought to be the Holy Spirit.

Well, for starters we have God. What is God? We are created in God's image. So, do we make up part of God? In what way do we have God's image? Physically? Mentally? Can't be physically I suppose as God is not a person. Even though we mistakingly use the term "he" in refernce to God a lot, God is a spiritual being. Not a physical one. So, if God is a spirit and God in fact is holy, why do we need a Holy Spirit? God is a holy spirit. God can do anything, omnipresent and all that, yet he needs a spirit to help us out here on earth understand things and to comfort us? So....if that's the case, what does God do? Sit back and give orders? What? I'm confused on that one.

Okay, let's move on to Jesus. The bible says Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. So, that would be a birth and creation of Jesus. Well, in the Old Testament (which is before Jesus) it speaks of Jesus. Even later on in the New and other parts of the bible it speaks of what always has been. Jesus has always been and will always be. So, if he was always there, why did he need to be born, more so why of a virgin named Mary? What was so great about Mary? Was it to prove a miracle in a sense and she was the only virgin around? There were certainly a lot more women that could've qualified for this task. Now, people will say Jesus was God in the flesh, or God on Earth. I think that comes from one of the names given to be associated with Jesus, Emmanuel. Translated means, God with us. Okay, but it doesn't say, THIS is God. Just God with us. I take that to mean, if like my son were visiting with you and he reminded you of me, you may say, "We have a little Rick here with us today". No, I'm not there in the flesh, but there are characteristics about my son that are attributes of me and my personality. If Jesus WAS God, why did he need to change his name? Take on human form? Okay, then is Jesus WAS God, who in the world (or heaven) was Jesus praying to in the Garden? Himself? He told the people, I am about my father's business? He didn't say I am about my business. When he was hanged on the cross he didn't say, "Self, forgive them...." No, he said, "Father forgive them". I don't think he had a habit of calling himself father. Maybe he did.

So, is there really a Holy Spirit? Or is it just God?

Also, why is it when we pray we have to say, in Jesus name? I haven't seen that in the bible. I may be wrong, but if you find it in there where we have to say "In Jesus' name" to end our prayers, let me know.

Okay, here's another one. The sinner's prayer. All the bible says you have to do to be born again is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that he is God and Jesus the son of God or something like that. That's it. So, if I believe, yes truly believe in my heart Jesus is the son of God and confess it (say it) I am born again or saved. It doesn't say anything about reciting some lines about, "Father forgive me for I have sinned, come into my life, make me new, blah blah..." I haven't found that anywhere but in a church!

Am I wrong? I know, probably looking into things too deep. I just find it amazing how so many people put emphasis on what the churches are teaching and programming them to think and do versus what the bible teaches. You may go to a "bible teaching" church, but are you really going by what's in the bible? Have you honestly read it yourself? You cannot take someone's word for it. You have to get in there and find out for yourself what it says. Don't be lead astray.

I'm excited to hear your comments. Your own interpretations. I'm not trying to state one thing or the other, just bringing up some valid questions. If you get offended by someone asking a question, your faith is not strong enough nor is your knowledge about your beliefs.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I am just curious... you have told me in the past you are Buddhist, so why would Christianity concern you anyway?